Ok so I have been harassed and poked and proded to do this so here it is , My first post . I really do not know where to begin as I have so much to say and so little time.
As most people know I am quite shy . So it may take a while before I open up to all of you in the world wide web.
So friday (the 25th)I was driving down 6th Ave East and their was a truck in the lane next to me heading north he was doing the same speed as me and then all of a sudden he took off like a magpie on speed . Well 3 seconds latter a flipping mattress comes flying out of his truck through the air heading straight for me I slammed on the brakes just hoping the truck behind me wasn't going to ram me . Talk about idiotic people with no brains. Then he stops in the middle of traffic and spins a u turn cutting off all the traffic coming the other direction. How are these people still alive ? You would think someone that stupid would have been hit by a bus by now .