Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fishing I luv fishing

This was Sunday the 16th of september it was 73 degrees it was awesome

The prizes

Caught four threw one back it was to little .

I can already taste it

The boat

As you can see no one on the lake, it was awesome

The lounger just waiting for me

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I suppose I am not alone in this dilema but it seems like I am . I know I have friends who have commented on the same things now and then.

Where have all the inteligent people gone ?

I am so sick and tired off all the stupid people I have to deal with day in and day out.

It is rediculous , how do these people dress themselves in the morning or let alone know how to use toilet paper I will never figure out.

My staff are unbelievably stupid . I have one guy who honest to god has idiot days the other staff and I comment on how dumb he can be on those days.

I think maybe they are on THE CRACK

Today was one of those days

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Tag you're it

The following is a tag game. Play if you like by answering the questions on your own blog. I copied from my friend Wilma

The category is movies:

1. Name a movie you've seen more than 10 times...Alien Resurection
2. Name a movie you've seen multiple times in the theatre...Rocky Horror Picture Show
3. Name an actor who would make you more inclined to see a movie...Brad Pitt
4. Name an actor who would make you less likely to see a movie...Tom Hanks, Will ferrill, David Caruso
5. Name a movie that you can and do quote from...Terminator
6. Name a musical, to which you know the lyrics to the songs...Saturday night Fever
7. Name a movie with which you've been known to sing along...Rocky Horror Picture show
8. Name a movie you would recommend everyone to see...The Shawshank Redemption
9. Name a movie you own re DVD...Pulp Fiction
10. Name a movie you want to own...Fight club
11. Name a memorable detective...Jean Lundegard
12. Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in? If so, what...Alien
13. Ever made out in a movie?...Yes
14. Popcorn or Ice Cream?...Popcorn
15. Name a favorite Black & White movie...don't have one, colour was invented
16. Name a movie that made you cry...Shindlers list
17. Name best book adaption to a movie...Misery
18. Name a dog movie...Snow dogs
19. Name a cat movie...Cat's Eye
20. What's the last movie you saw on a plane?...Airport
21. What's the first movie you remember seeing?...Billy Jack
22. Name a block buster seen...Kill Bill vol 1
23. What is the movie you wish you hadn't seen?...Final Approach
24. What is the weirdest movie you have ever watched?...Liquid Sky
25. What is the scariest movie you've seen?... Silence of the lambs
26. What is the funniest movie you've seen?...??? Austin Powers Gold Member
27. Name a car chase movie...The Fast & the Furious
28. A favorite movie not mentioned...Kill Bill vol 2
29. Name a movie series...Star Trek
30. Name something science fiction...The matrix

Six degrees of seperation

Ok I finally got a haircut (my last one was in may).
I am getting my hair cut yesterday by a new hair cutter guy. We have never met before he came reccomended to me by a good friend. We start talking asking questions about each other etc etc. He is clipping away chopping off my golden locks we talk about travel and all sorts of things. He says he is going to L.A in march .

Well of course I start blabing about our fabuloso trips to la and the things we have done. So then he says he is going to montreal to visit his friend Kyle, then to vancouver etc etc. So we go back to the L.A thing cause it's always about me of course.

I tell him about Madonna, and he says who did you go with ? I thought that was kinda strange but kept on chatting a mile a minute and of course I said my good friends Titsy and Hussy. He asks well where are they from ? And I'm thinking who cares where they are from I went to madonna(it's all about me right).Madonna for tards sake. So I tell him Dodge and Oil patch Saskatchewan

Then he says to me my friend Kyle used to live in Dodge isn't that a coincidence. And you know I was with Kyle when he got a text message or phone call (he couldn't remember which) from a girl at The Madonna concert in LA. Well I said I'm sure my friend Tisty has a friend named Kyle who lives in Montreal .

Well we figured it out a year and 1/2 ago I was in L.A with my friend Titsy and he was with his friend Kyle and the two were texting about the concert we were at.

Six degrees of seperation man it was to weird .

The haircut was great a little short but I like it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Martini Mishap's

Well I have to say as the months pass and we have company at the cottage we expect our friends to break the odd Martini glass.

We have taken probably a dozen glasses to the cottage and one by one they seem to get broken.

we were down to two left so we thought we better replenish the stock so we took out another 6 .

In one week Peanut broke one Vinnie broke one and one was broken by the dishes in the sink (no one to blame for that one).

was re-arranging the freezer and thought oh those Martini glasses will
fit in the door to the freezer so will take up less space . Until
peanut swung the freezer door open and martini glass comes flying out
at him.

Vinnie was digging in freezer and had to take one
martini glass out so he could get to the cold martini glass at the back
of the freezer so he set the warm one on top of the freezer. 15 minutes
later when he went back to make another shaker ofcosmo's he swung the freezer door open to get ice and the martini glass on top of freezer came flying at him.

So now we are down to five.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A week at the cottage

It was a wonderful week at the cottage.
Started out with a visit from Queen jemma and her parents. She is now
3. They came for a visit. She has grown so much . We tried to con her
into making a few deals while we were their one being If she shit in
the toilet she would get a Kinder surprise egg. well after 8 days
nothing. We of course will remember this and bug her about it when she is older.

Mommy Dearest

Of course we went fishing and we were very successful, The sunday we left I even caught a 5 pounder.

We had a great fish fry one night and had a small zip lock bag full of left overs.

Queen Jemma's Great grandmother had begged for some fish so we sent a package to her and she loved it.

We also went Quading one day, good friends Tuffy & Ace came by and picked us up . Said you guys can have that quad equipped with helmuts and all. We had a blast I drove of course cause Vinnie doesn't like to drive . Tuffy even brought beer for us boy's. We went for the whole afternoon and topped it off with a tour on the boat.

We went shopping at the Flea market and all bought something. Of course we frequented the local Liqour store to find out that the Liqour natzi has retired . We were saddened as she always brought tears to our eyes as we bombarded her establishment.

It was quite quiet as all the demon sprogs have gone back to school .

It was another wonderful week away from the world.