Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Bet

Ok so now I say to stupid self why did I make such a dumb bet .

I know I am going to lose. Unless of course I stop eating and drinking completely, not gonna happen.

ok rice cakes here I come

The last time I tried exercising, was a disaster the next morning I woke up and felt like shit. Which then turned into that Horrible Flu I think it was some form of a Plague cause I thought I was gonna Die.


Thursday, February 22, 2007


Well now that i have all the great equipment , a tv right in front to watch a CD player to listen to my favorite tunes AHA i figured out why I hadn't exercised in so many years.

I hate it i flipping hate it.

Now if someone could invent away i can drink martinis and exercise i might think about it.

Till next time.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I am slowly recovering from one of the worst Flu epidemic's I have ever experienced.

It started on Thursday the 8th .

I felt kinda weird but was not sure what was wrong. I went to work on Friday morning and Yikes I thought I was going to die.

The symptoms that I had included but were not limited to the following

Head ache- constant
Cold shivering chills - sporadic
Hot flashes - sporadic
Body aches - sporadically picking a new body part every hour
stomach ache - constant
diahrea- sporadic
Loss of apetite- constant (i still have not got my apetite back)
Sweating in my sleep ( i was waking up every hour on the hour soaking wet) this was fun as you can imagine.
Nausea- sporadic
Dizziness - whenever i moved to fast ( this is still here)
Kidneys ache - constant
Itchy Head - constant( still have this )

I did not go to work on mon or tuesday I couldn't (to weak)

I went on wed to friday but still felt very weak.

Went to doctor on wed (my doctor on holidays so got to see some quack in his office.

He says to me yeah you probably have the flu it will probably last another 3 or 4 days.

He did not even examine me ??

Complete non interest in alocohol.

I still feel like shit

and this is the 17th already.