Sunday, August 27, 2006

Remembering the Bird House Caper

Let me Explain
My Friend Veronica had received a bird house at a Christmas party but it took her months maybe even years to actually get it in her home. Then mysteriously it disappeared only to re-appear at a silent auction to be sold to the highest bidder.

Martini Mishap

This is what happens when you are making a 3rd or 4th martini and you don't put the lid back on the shaker !!!!!!!!!

By the way it wasn't me it was my friend Ricco. And he wasn't even drinking martini's

My Friend Ricco

And as you can see he is scraping the spilled martini back into a martini glass, what next. I always say never let a boy do a man's job.

Blogging Bloggers

I have now had 3 hours of my life sucked away trying to figure this whole blog thing out .

I think i did it but i can't believe i could be so daft .

Anyway it's done I posted a picture of Big Bitch crack sniffing Ho Dawg

she really is trained to sniff for crack.

I finally did it.

Ok so I have been harassed and poked and proded to do this so here it is , My first post . I really do not know where to begin as I have so much to say and so little time.

As most people know I am quite shy . So it may take a while before I open up to all of you in the world wide web.

So friday (the 25th)I was driving down 6th Ave East and their was a truck in the lane next to me heading north he was doing the same speed as me and then all of a sudden he took off like a magpie on speed . Well 3 seconds latter a flipping mattress comes flying out of his truck through the air heading straight for me I slammed on the brakes just hoping the truck behind me wasn't going to ram me . Talk about idiotic people with no brains. Then he stops in the middle of traffic and spins a u turn cutting off all the traffic coming the other direction. How are these people still alive ? You would think someone that stupid would have been hit by a bus by now .