Sunday, January 28, 2007


Ok I went to weigh myself on my scale that I bought about 8 years ago and realized the battery was dead . So searched the house not a single 9volt battery in the place.

Next trip to the food barn i will buy batteries . So I did put the new battery in the scale.


That flipping piece of junk is gonna get thrown to the moon Alice.

So I cannot weigh myself so i will be guessing on if i am losing or gaining ?

No scale at the gym weird , well i just haven't found it yet I Guess.


Well I finally did it .

I started working out again. It has been over ten years since I have graced the doorsteps of a gym .

And I can tell I have gotten quite round so to say . Especially since my surgery as all I do is sit and lay etc etc.

I need to feel good again.

I started on Jan 16th . Oh my *&^ was I (*&%)@^g sore on the 17th .

Well no pain no gain I keep telling myself that.

Ok I went again on the 18th sore again on the 19th not as bad.

Then the 24th and the 26th. I do have to say I have passed the major pain hurdle.
Now it will just be when I push myself to far I will pay for it again.
I am writing about this as a motivational tool , to keep me going as I have tried a few exercise stints here and their but have never stuck with it since the mid 90's and I was quite dedicated then and went religously for 3 years . Until I hurt my back then it went to shit.

The second part of getting back in shape will be my diet I am sure I am going to have a battle on my hands with this .

Although I do pride myself on not eating fat, salt and mystery meat.

It's the other stuff I eat that contains the fat that I am worried about , as i do like desserts.

Anyway wish me luck .

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Christmas in January

It was a wonderful time in the great city of NB

We went Pawn shopping and Titsy even bought something.

It was even more fun throwing hash browns at truckers .

They seem to like it ?

Maybe the abuse thing or something I do not want to even think about it

We did miss our little Hussy though.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The disabled

I have not let you all know how i have been doing , well I started physio just after christmas and let me tell you OOOUUCCHH It hurts

I think they must take a course to see how much pain they can inflict on you.

I started back at the gym yesterday to help with the lame leg , I know now why i haven't been to the gym in ten years.

So I am still on half days at work and am struggling with that.

thats all for now

New Years at The Lake

It was a wonderful four whole days at the cottage .

We hauled in snow for water and wood for heat , it really was a great time.

We had to push snow for a couple hours so we could get the vehicles in the driveway, it wasn't that bad ( i started the fire and got the cabin warm).

We came up with the faboulous idea of putting the crock pot in the bathroom and having it set on warm it was great we had hot water the whole time we were their.

We played pool and poker and celebrated the new year.

We also used paper plates and cutlery and glasses all the time we were their , so we didn't have to heat water for dishes. Of course we did have some dishes to do.

Stoking the Fire

Big Bitch Napping

The infamous Pool Table
New Years Dinner

Washing with the Hot Water

A little Snow

Our Dinner Table
A lot of Snow

The Hot Water