Sunday, January 28, 2007


Well I finally did it .

I started working out again. It has been over ten years since I have graced the doorsteps of a gym .

And I can tell I have gotten quite round so to say . Especially since my surgery as all I do is sit and lay etc etc.

I need to feel good again.

I started on Jan 16th . Oh my *&^ was I (*&%)@^g sore on the 17th .

Well no pain no gain I keep telling myself that.

Ok I went again on the 18th sore again on the 19th not as bad.

Then the 24th and the 26th. I do have to say I have passed the major pain hurdle.
Now it will just be when I push myself to far I will pay for it again.
I am writing about this as a motivational tool , to keep me going as I have tried a few exercise stints here and their but have never stuck with it since the mid 90's and I was quite dedicated then and went religously for 3 years . Until I hurt my back then it went to shit.

The second part of getting back in shape will be my diet I am sure I am going to have a battle on my hands with this .

Although I do pride myself on not eating fat, salt and mystery meat.

It's the other stuff I eat that contains the fat that I am worried about , as i do like desserts.

Anyway wish me luck .


Wilma said...

Good luck! Let's do it together - have like a weekly weighin or measure or something, and whoever loses the most weight or inches by LA wins something.

What do you say? We'll get our competitive juices flowing & motivate each other.

Bruno Rocco said...

you have a deal

what are we going to wager?

as you can see i do not have a scale .

Wilma said...

You'll have to break down and buy one!
So first day of measuring/weighing is Friday - that should give you enough time to find a scale. We'll measure waist, hips, chest, upper arms,& thighs (in inches okay?)
Any suggestions for the wager? One has to pay for the other's meal at Spago maybe?
And then are we going to do just total pounds/inches lost, or do the percentage thing?

Bruno Rocco said...

total pounds inches would be good

no to spago's thats to big of a bet

maybe 50.00

Wilma said...

okay, $50
total pounds & inches.