The following is a tag game. Play if you like by answering the questions on your own blog. I copied from my friend Wilma
The category is movies:
1. Name a movie you've seen more than 10 times...Alien Resurection
2. Name a movie you've seen multiple times in the theatre...Rocky Horror Picture Show
3. Name an actor who would make you more inclined to see a movie...Brad Pitt
4. Name an actor who would make you less likely to see a movie...Tom Hanks, Will ferrill, David Caruso
5. Name a movie that you can and do quote from...Terminator
6. Name a musical, to which you know the lyrics to the songs...Saturday night Fever
7. Name a movie with which you've been known to sing along...Rocky Horror Picture show
8. Name a movie you would recommend everyone to see...The Shawshank Redemption
9. Name a movie you own re DVD...Pulp Fiction
10. Name a movie you want to own...Fight club
11. Name a memorable detective...Jean Lundegard
12. Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in? If so, what...Alien
13. Ever made out in a movie?...Yes
14. Popcorn or Ice Cream?...Popcorn
15. Name a favorite Black & White movie...don't have one, colour was invented
16. Name a movie that made you cry...Shindlers list
17. Name best book adaption to a movie...Misery
18. Name a dog movie...Snow dogs
19. Name a cat movie...Cat's Eye
20. What's the last movie you saw on a plane?...Airport
21. What's the first movie you remember seeing?...Billy Jack
22. Name a block buster seen...Kill Bill vol 1
23. What is the movie you wish you hadn't seen?...Final Approach
24. What is the weirdest movie you have ever watched?...Liquid Sky
25. What is the scariest movie you've seen?... Silence of the lambs
26. What is the funniest movie you've seen?...??? Austin Powers Gold Member
27. Name a car chase movie...The Fast & the Furious
28. A favorite movie not mentioned...Kill Bill vol 2
29. Name a movie series...Star Trek
30. Name something science fiction...The matrix