Saturday, October 27, 2007

New Career Path

Well I finally did it after years of complaining and bitching about my job I quit.

Short Version of why I quit.

I was at my job for 9 years 9 months and 10 days It did have it's good times. I worked for a guy who I thought was a great boss we got along great 99 % of the time in my eyes it was a good job.

About 7 years ago my boss deceided it was time for his son to come work for us in management. We have management meetings every two weeks. It was about 2 years of the the two of them fighting over the stupidist things and I was usually stuck in the middle . I learned to just turn my back and walk away and let them fight. So after 2 years of fighting my boss deceided to make his son manager and he deceided to leave .

About six months into into it my boss calls me numerous times and says what is going on I can't leave things go on the way they are. What will happen if we fire him Blah blah blah. Yeah right I'm gonna tell my boss to fire his son . Does he think I'm daft? Of course I told him to do what ever he felt was right.

He then comes in for our bi weekly meeting and demotes him as he does not have a clue on how to be a manager. ( And he was never at work) He makes me Manager and promises me everything.

Of course the wage increase came along with more responsibility, I was doing the job before just not getting paid for it. But all the other things I was promised were never mentioned again. So I deceided enough is enough I'm out of their.

Over a year ago I applied for a FED GOV job, after numerous testing and interviews I was finally called and offered a position.

I am happy to say I accepted the position and am not looking back.

I have completed 1 week of work so far and compared to the old job it's a walk in the park.

And I like walking in the park. So it is all new to me and I am ready for the adventure.

As well I do not have a job title yet so when people have asked me what I do ? And trust me on this one evryone has asked. I have just replied I don't know yet.

And here is what I do at my new job

1 comment:

Wilma said...

I've said it before, but I'll say it again ~ Congrats!

I'm happy you're happy. & you know what happens when we're happy...blender drinks & martinis!